Netwox toolbox version 5.39.0. Netwib library version 5.39.0. ######################## MAIN MENU ######################### 0 - leave netwox 3 - search tools 4 - display help of one tool 5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line 6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboard a + information b + network protocol c + application protocol d + sniff (capture network packets) e + spoof (create and send packets) f + record (file containing captured packets) g + client h + server i + ping (check if a computer if reachable) j + traceroute (obtain list of gateways) k + scan (computer and port discovery) l + network audit m + brute force (check if passwords are weak) n + remote administration o + tools not related to network Select a node (key in 03456abcdefghijklmno):
Netwox toolbox version 5.39.0. Netwib library version 5.39.0. ######################## MAIN MENU ######################### 0 - leave netwox 3 - search tools 4 - display help of one tool 5 - run a tool selecting parameters on command line 6 - run a tool selecting parameters from keyboard a + information b + network protocol c + application protocol d + sniff (capture network packets) e + spoof (create and send packets) f + record (file containing captured packets) g + client h + server i + ping (check if a computer if reachable) j + traceroute (obtain list of gateways) k + scan (computer and port discovery) l + network audit m + brute force (check if passwords are weak) n + remote administration o + tools not related to network Select a node (key in 03456abcdefghijklmno):